Living On The Edge Of Madness by Sonny Kramer (Author), Linda Wakeman (Contributor)
In reading this simple yet complex story of this couple, it was very easy to finish the book and come away with wanting to know more. It was sad, but yet funny. Her friend and partner, Sonny sure had a rude awakening in his life, yet was able to keep his humor, and not see this through angry eyes. I mean, making arrangements for burying him before he even died was truly humerous. Maybe he didn't think so. But this was only in her EXTREME concern of taking care of him. I am sure that there are many things we don't know in this life of Linda and Sonny, and the many others who suffer this terrible disease. I also truly believe that we all may have some of bipolar in us. The other misfortunates' have the extreme as Linda has. I had a very good friend once that I alway knew had this more serious than most and just all of a sudden I never heard from her again. Even through the help of her mother, our friendship just ended. As Sonny says they don't mean to do the things that they do, and do not mean to hurt anyone. It is just one of those strange diseases that takes over your life. I believe if it wasn't for Sonny caring and loving Linda the way he did, Linda would be in a Mental Institution, medicated and sedated living on a different type of edge. I commend Sonny and his dedication and love to Linda, and to Linda for seeing what Sonny has went through for her and trying to make right by taking medication and staying away from that most delicate edge. THAT MAKES THEM BOTH HEROS IN MY BOOK!
review by R. Mastrantonio